Express & Star

Recycling boxes left uncollected

Recycling boxes have remained uncollected for 14 days in some parts of Kidderminster after two days of action by council staff, it is claimed.


Recycling boxes have remained uncollected for 14 days in some parts of Kidderminster after two days of action by council staff, it is claimed.

Officials say the problem is due to people taking their boxes back in.

They say householders have taken the boxes in before crews arrived to catch up with a backlog.

Council phone lines were jammed as residents tried to clear up confusion over collection times for bottles, paper, clothing and cans.

Councillor Fran Oborski said some boxes had not been collected because of knock-on effects of the binmen's strike.

She said: "We all know that the local government strike was two weeks ago and that the council would have problems catching up with the work. Staff were pulled off the recycling rounds to help collect refuse.

"People were not surprised when recycling boxes were not collected the first week," she added.

Andrew Dickens, head of commercial and operational services for Wyre Forest District Council, claimed collections were up to date.

"We did have a problem with collections in the Chester Road area of the town because of resurfacing work and temporary road closures. Most of the problems have stemmed from people not putting boxes out or taking them in," he said.