Express & Star

Fear on streets a sign of Labour failure

I am among those who are not fooled by the propaganda coming out of the Home Office at present. They tell us in their infinite wisdom that crime is falling.


I am among those who are not fooled by the propaganda coming out of the Home Office at present. They tell us in their infinite wisdom that crime is falling.

It reminds me of all the stories my Polish in-laws have told me over the years of how the Soviet regime tried to use propaganda in Poland when morale was low and the people were unsettled and disbelieving of the authorities.

The people of this great island are not fools; we have put up with New Labour spin since 1997 and that will be the greatest unwanted legacy laid down by this tired and pathetic government.

When people are scared to go out in the day, never mind at night, because they might get stabbed or shot by the mindless, out-of-control feral and organised gangs, it shows the authorities have failed in every way to maintain law and order in the land and the safety of its citizens.

The leaders of British police throughout the land, as well as the Home Office, can use any method they like to entice us into believing that everything is still rosy at the front gate of civilised behaviour in Britain, but it is they who are fooling themselves.

I am sure the only tool left at the disposal of the British people, a General Election, will show how they really feel in 2010 or before.

Hopefully, one day we will see an elected police force and judiciary in Britain, rather than one chosen by out-of-touch officials who know nothing about the real world.

More than anything I hope one day that the judiciary and lawmakers of this country start fighting for and on behalf of the law-abiding people of Britain, rather than for the human rights of the criminals and their ilk.

Ian Payne, Thornbury Road, Walsall.