Express & Star

Quiet area built in memory of Ben

A quiet area has been built at a Wollaston school dedicated to the memory of a pupil who died after contracting a virus which caused his heart to stop.


wd2909723.jpgA quiet area has been built at a Wollaston school dedicated to the memory of a pupil who died after contracting a virus which caused his heart to stop.

Staff and pupils at St James's C of E Primary School unveiled the tribute to 10-year-old Ben Atkins in a special ceremony.

The area has been fitted out with benches, a canopy and a plaque commemorating the youngster.

It has been designed as a place for pupils to go for peace and quiet or to remember Ben. The ceremony was attended by many of Ben's friends who have now moved up to secondary school but wanted to be there to pay tribute to him.

Ben, of Gerald Road, died in his sleep hours after complaining he felt unwell. His mother Ann discovered he had died when she tried to wake him to go for a doctor's appointment. A post mortem revealed he had suffered from a condition called lymphocytic myocarditis.

It was probably caused by contracting a viral infection which had led to an abnormal heart rhythm.

An annual chess tournament is also held at the school in honour of Ben, who helped start a club just shortly before his death.

Headteacher Ann Penn said: "The idea for the quiet area came from the children themselves and we thought it would be a wonderful tribute."

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