Express & Star

Justice for our soldiers

Letter: There is only one way to provide justice for all our forces personnel who have been killed or maimed in Tony Blair's wars.


Letter: There is only one way to provide justice for all our forces personnel who have been killed or maimed in Tony Blair's wars.

He was forced into war on doubtful information and at Bush's instigation, possibly because there was oil to be had.

Blair no doubt thought he would become as heroic a figure as Mrs Margaret Thatcher did.

Where he went wrong was that Mrs Thatcher was asked by the residents of that island to help repel the Argentine forces, whereas Blair did it for a personal ego trip at the behest of the man pulling the strings - Bush.

And for this, how many lives were lost?

He took us into more wars than any other prime minister in this century.

Now we come to justice.

Every penny he has acquired since leaving office - and at least five of his seven homes - should be taken from him.

Put him back to the obscurity he came from along with his grasping wife.

The fortune then raised by this alone should be divided between the forces he is responsible for killing and maiming and could go a long way to alleviate the uncertainty and suffering of those families.

Buying good quality prosthetic limbs to make them look and feel as normal as possible and buy the help needed such as handicapped extras for their homes and for the worst cases new bungalows adapted to their needs.

Taxpayers may then feel a little better about the mortgage interest he claimed from us all to line his family's pockets, at least we would know it finished up as a good cause.

Many people feel as I do that he has taken us all for fools and made a fortune doing so.

Lastly, get our troops home. Do not let any other families suffer the loss of loved ones needlessly. I am not anti war for good, and honest reasons.

I am the widow of a Korean veteran, and widow again of a Second World War veteran so I do feel for forces' families.

Mrs R Lane-Colsey,

Stapleford Gardens,
