Express & Star

Penalise caravans for spoiling view

Regarding the letter from Mr T N Cartwright concerning caravans, he raises some good points.


Regarding the letter from Mr T N Cartwright concerning caravans, he raises some good points.

However, I don't think imposing a road tax on them is the way forward as vehicle owners pay enough as it is in road tax and the ever increasing cost of fuel.

Also, where do you stop in taxing road users? Do you put a tax on push bikes or, if not already, invalid scooters?

I would be more inclined to fine owners of caravans and other large vehicles who park up on driveways, which as Mr Cartwright says is a blight on the landscape and spoils people's view.

There is another annoyance which also needs to be addressed, with any money raised from penalties helping to reduce fuel costs. This is car owners who park part or all of the vehicle on the pavement, causing problems for pedestrians who sometimes have to walk in the road, as well as mothers with prams and invalid scooters. These car owners who park on pavements also have no shame, or consideration for us pedestrians and the disabled.

Caravan owners have every right to use the road, as annoying as they are, and as most caravans need to be towed by a car so have every right to be covered by the road tax that car owners pay. If they are taxed, as Mr Cartwright suggests, the government of the day may not plough the proceeds back into making fuelling cheaper anyway.

If I am correct, road tax was brought in to help maintain roads.As there seems to be more vehicles on the roads these days, we should have the best road system in the world, but road tax seems to be spent in other areas of the economy rather than roads.

Robert Parsons, New Pool Road, Cradley Heath.