Express & Star

Strong stance needed to end violence

Whatever is this country coming to when an innocent shopkeeper cannot ask people to leave his store, on account of the fact they are breaking the law by drinking beer on his premises and he risks losing his licence ("Newsagent attacked by hockey stick gang", May 28).


Whatever is this country coming to when an innocent shopkeeper cannot ask people to leave his store, on account of the fact they are breaking the law by drinking beer on his premises and he risks losing his licence ("Newsagent attacked by hockey stick gang", May 28).

And then after all the verbal abuse he got, they returned and beat him up.

What low-lifes we have walking our streets. If that was not bad enough, we have our so called police, who we all turn to in time of need, stating, and I quote from the Express & Star) saying they do not expect any arrests. Just what do we all expect? Is it OK for us all to go around breaking laws, with innocent people being mugged, knifed and murdered?

When is this country going to wake up and say enough is enough? Are we all afraid to stand up and be counted?

The police are too frightened to prosecute unless someone drops an apple core, or they can be sure to win a case in court.

The Government has lost the plot; they believe in rewarding thugs and the like with little sweeteners if they behave themselves.

Our councillors can only inflict more suffering on us by fining us we over-fill our bins.

I feel very sorry for the victim of this malicious crime but being sorry is not enough. We want a strong, no-tolerance stance from our police and a government which is not afraid to bring justice to victims of crime and tell all these so-called do-gooders and PC Brigade law and order will prevail.

Perhaps when an election comes, and there's a change of government, it will be an answer to all our prayers, but don't hold your breath.

S Lightfoot, Newport Road, Albrighton.