Express & Star

Parents need to be wary

The proposal coming from the Conservatives regarding unemployment ("Tory Party's dire warning over benefits culture", May 27) is nothing but hopeful vote catching.


The proposal coming from the Conservatives regarding unemployment ("Tory Party's dire warning over benefits culture", May 27) is nothing but hopeful vote catching.

We all know we have to do something to stop the "benefits culture" that has developed in this country but please let's see something sensible to offer the youth of this country, like learning a trade or jobs from which they can earn money.

The Tories abolished the apprenticeships in the 1970s and brought in Youth Training programmes. Employers could have £1,000 per year for taking on a young person, and the employee had £27 per week for a full week's work, although without health and safety protection – that wasn't implemented until one or two were killed and many seriously hurt.

When their time ended, they were shown the door, and the employer had another one on the cheap. No offers of jobs were forthcoming at all. Is this another scheme they are proposing? If it is, if I was a parent, I'd be concerned.

We do need to tackle youth idleness and training but not on the cheap and certainly not cheap labour for employers. Beware of Tory proposals. We've been there, seen their ideas before – slave labour comes to mind.

This government should put legislation in place before they are allowed to implement their policies if they gain power to protect the young.

Many would be willing to learn and work; they're not all the same. My own son worked for the £27 per week, and he's never been out of work, but at the time it was miserly wages for a 40-hour week and dangerous.

Please, parents of today, beware of Tory proposals and look beyond the big stick they propose using.

Make sure the training is good, worthwhile and they actually learn a trade, not just be a labour device for an employer. Wages should reflect today's level as well as the hours they would be expected to work, and health and safety should reflect the EU standards.

All people are worth their labour, whether young or old. Let's make sure it remains that way.

Mrs B Stevens, James Dee Close, Quarry Bank.