Express & Star

Jess is having the time of her life

She has starred in West End shows and toured the Caribbean on a luxury cruise liner but for one West Midlands girl nothing beats the thrill of performing in front of a home audience.


Jess ParkerShe has starred in West End shows and toured the Caribbean on a luxury cruise liner but for one West Midlands girl nothing beats the thrill of performing in front of a home audience.

Twenty-five-year-old Jess Parker is one of the stars of Dancing Queen, an Abba-based musical currently showing at Wolverhampton's Grand Theatre.

The former Kingswinford Secondary School and Kidderminster College student is one of the four main singers in the show which features Abba music and other hits made famous in the 1970s.

Past credits include Kiss Me Kate while her next assignment after Dancing Queen is a cabaret show called Independent Woman at London's New Players Theatre from the end of June.

She has also appeared in the last two pantomimes staged at Wolverhampton Grand which were Snow White and Aladdin while she spent six months singing and dancing as part of the entertainment team on the cruise ship Oceania.

Jess, of Prestwood, near Stourbridge, said she enjoys appearing on the biggest stages in London but nothing can beat the thrill of appearing in the Midlands close to her family and friends.Twenty eight members of her family and friends are planning to travel to Wolverhampton to watch her performance tonight.

"It's really nice to be back at home and to get the chance to see all my family and friends.

"I've also become great friends with all the team who work behind the scenes at the theatre after appearing in the last two pantomime's and it will be great to catch up with them again.

"It's also extra special for my family as they don't get to see me on the stage very often" said Jess, who now lives in London.

Dancing Queen, which has been touring the country, opened at the Grand yesterday with further shows tonight finishing with a matinee and evening performance on Saturday.

To find out if tickets are still available call the box office on 01902 42921

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