Express & Star

Mixed-up Albert Square message

Having watched the  episode of EastEnders on May 12, I find I must put pen to paper and voice my opinion on the storyline.


Having watched the episode of EastEnders on May 12, I find I must put pen to paper and voice my opinion on the storyline.

Ian Beale found his daughter, Lucy. She had run away because he slapped her for the trashing of the family house during a party (personally I would have had her arrested and charged with criminal damage then put into care). She ran away because she wanted to teach him a lesson!

In this episode he took his family, along with Lucy, for a reunion meal, but she declared she needed some space and left the rest of the Beale clan to finish the evening on their own. This is a child of 15!

After Ian complained that he had only done it to bring the family back together, he was berated by the rest of the party and told to let her go.

For goodness sake, what message is this giving out to the youth of the country? I know they are only trying to portray the culture that exits in the UK today, but have we got to have it put in front of our already vulnerable youth, showing them even more rudeness and disrespect for family values?

How low is the BBC going to have to stoop in the vain hope of winning the ratings war? Isn't it time we stopped all this pandering to the youth of today and brought back some good old family values, and stopped churning out this kind of rubbish which is poisoning the minds of already mixed-up children?

Children is really all they are. Let's stop taking this wonderful time of life away from them.

Tom Davis, Church Lane, Boningale, Shropshire.