Express & Star

Maggie would be proud of Gordon

I was interested in Gordon Brown's visit to the Midlands and intrigued by the fact that he found workers asking for a cost of living salary increase to be "regrettable and unjustifiable" as the pay award had been decided by an "independent body". 


I was interested in Gordon Brown's visit to the Midlands and intrigued by the fact that he found workers asking for a cost of living salary increase to be "regrettable and unjustifiable" as the pay award had been decided by an "independent body".

Perhaps teachers should be allowed the same facilities as the Westminster school, which sets itself outrageous and inflationary pay awards. Does Gordon find this "pigs in the trough" perfectly justifiable? I'm sure he does. That's not to mention the extraordinary housing allowances paid to the staff of the Westminster establishment.

I find it incredible that Gordon and the rest of the neo-socialists can seek to justify below inflation pay for the under-resourced and underpaid teaching profession while allowing the everyday price hikes in the day to day living expenses of Britain. See Tesco, Asda etc; and in the realms of the super poor, Shell, Texaco and so on (44 per cent increase in the cost of a tank of diesel since November), who are recording hitherto unknown levels of profit and prosperity in Rip Off Britain.

Socialists – real socialists – would be outraged by the antics of this present administration who are overseeing the welfare of the wealthy and rich, while trying to ensure the people who keep our society ticking over, the "ordinary" workers, have to struggle to survive in an increasingly cost-ridden society.

Gordon, Mrs Thatcher would be proud of you and your team of middle-class intelligentsia, with their second homes and private schools. While I don't want to see a return of the class war, I would like to see a fair deal for all in the society in which we share.

Les Clarke, Highfield Avenue, Wolverhampton.