Express & Star

No action on speed

Congratulations to correspondent M Cave for highlighting the problems of drivers speeding on our roads.


Congratulations to correspondent M Cave for highlighting the problems of drivers speeding on our roads.

We have this problem on Northycote Lane, Bushbury, which has a 30mph speed limit. Because it's a good road, drivers think it's a racetrack, with estimated speeds of anything between 50 and 70 mph the norm.

We residents fear for our lives trying to come out of Abbeyfield Road on to Northycote Lane.

This is the only exit from an estate with more than 300 cars or vans.

We have held protests, with placards saying "Slow down, 30mph limit", to no avail.

We have contacted the city council, but they do nothing. We have had a letter from a Labour councillor saying she is going to help, but we see little evidence of this.

A resident of Westering Parkway is always writing to newspapers saying what he and his organisation have done for us, and yet the speeds are now higher than they've ever been.

No one seems to take speeding seriously until someone is killed.

The city council did put up a flashing 30mph sign that didn't work most of the time and some plastic 30mph signs on lamp-posts that the following morning had slid down. The wind had blown them so they were all facing fields - some good that.

What we want is some proper structure that gives Abbey Fields Estate right of way on to Northycote Lane.

We don't want one of those silly little islands like they have on Underhill Lane, where drivers are too idle to slow down and keep to the left.

They go over it or worse still go to the right of it, even if cars are coming the other way. Action please.

Philip Turley, Abbeyfield Road, Wolverhampton.