Express & Star

Do-gooders wrong on drink-driving

The Government proposes to reduce the drink drive limit by almost half, so that just one pint of beer would put a driver over the limit.


The Government proposes to reduce the drink drive limit by almost half, so that just one pint of beer would put a driver over the limit.

Supported by road safety fanatics who spout the same meaningless statistics as the anti-smoking lobby, this is yet another attack on the law-abiding majority.

People who, for years, have taken pains to stick to the law, instead of being rewarded will be punished by these proposals.

There is not an epidemic of road accidents being caused by drivers who have consumed two pints of mild.

The problem, as everyone knows, is that class of drivers who totally disregard the law and continue to drive when blind drunk.

It is these people who should be targeted, even though we do have some of the safest roads in Europe.

Apart from being another nail in the coffin of the pub trade it is a further restriction on the freedom of the individual. Every day it seems there is a new ban on this or a crackdown on that.

Cigarettes in shop windows – ban them. Chip shops near to schools – ban them. Crisps and chocolate in hospitals – ban them. And that is just in recent weeks.

So it goes on, the zealots will never be appeased. They will continue to ratchet up their demands until we all conform to their peculiar ideas.

Yet there is no serious politician who is offering anything else, they all sing from the same politically correct hymnsheet.

Whatever your appetite or your hobby you can bet that some group of do-gooders or state-financed busybodies will have you in their sights.

With their justification being "if it saves one life" they will try to bully you into living forever. Or perhaps it will just seem that long.

David Holmes,

Queens Road,

Calf Heath.