Express & Star

Parking makes life a nightmare

With reference to the complaint made by Mrs Kim Griffiths, she has my complete sympathy regarding parking by staff and visitors to Sandwell Hospital.


With reference to the complaint made by Mrs Kim Griffiths, she has my complete sympathy regarding parking by staff and visitors to Sandwell Hospital.

Her problem is identical to people living in Grafton Road, which is also in close proximity to the hospital, and Lyndon at the bottom of Grafton Road. Morning, afternoon and evening, cars treat this road as an overflow hospital car park, without any charge being made. The trouble we have is making everyone's life a nightmare.

There is a scheme to reduce the high levels of nitrogen dioxide in West Bromwich due to the fact that this exceeds the Government's limits for emissions. But with cars moving backwards and forwards to get into a small parking area, more emissions are caused than by a full-length journey.

We are also affected by All Saints Way, which is little more than 10 metres from the rear of this property. I have spent approximately four years trying to get the Highways Direct department for West Bromwich to repair a large crack in the tarmac which has caused quite a bit of damage.

I have had this repaired but it will manifest itself again due to the use of All Saints Way by hundreds of cars, lorries and juggernauts. I have provided Highways Direct with the opinion of a registered chartered surveyor, who stated there is a likelihood of damage being caused by vibrating traffic.

I have also had to call in the builder to fix the roof three times due to the vibrations breaking away the cement pointing. He was of the opinion the damage was being caused by vibrations from a crack in the tarmac.

I have received letters from risk management and insurance advising me to obtain legal advice but over the period of time this would have to be assessed, the cost would be prohibitive just to get a small amount of tarmac in the road repaired.

Mr A Mason, Grafton Road, West Bromwich.