Express & Star

Give life ban to the pet sadists

For the first time, I am compelled to write to the Express & Star after reading the horrific account (March 19) regarding the man who put his dog in the washing machine.


For the first time, I am compelled to write to the Express & Star after reading the horrific account (March 19) regarding the man who put his dog in the washing machine.

I was close to being physically sick. A grown man who lamely uses the excuse of alcohol to justify his actions, not once but twice putting his pet into his washing machine for punishment, should never have the privilege of owning a pet again.

I would much rather deal with a dog who has had a little accident on the floor than a drunken bully of a man who takes his anger out on a defenceless creature.

The dog probably only made the mess due to the man being too busy getting drunk and ignoring the needs of his dog.

My two young children have known from an early age how to respect and treat animals. They have a pet who they love dearly.

It is lovely to watch them with her, gently stroking and playing with her. Since a very early age they have known how to treat animals.

This man is an adult and still doesn't know.

These types of people get sadistic pleasure from harming animals.

They are bullies who pick on something that is defenseless, that cannot fight back, that cannot tell anybody, but the results of their actions does not carry any significant punishment and therefore there is no deterrent.

These poor animals have one thing that the people involved don't have, and that is intelligence, as only a half-wit would find this kind of behaviour entertaining.

An animal is a real gift, is unique and deserves at the very least his basic needs to be met.

Mrs H Reynolds, Monteagle Drive, Kingswinford.