Express & Star

My vote counts for nothing

I have been a strong believer in democracy and the essential requirement that everyone should use their vote.


I have been a strong believer in democracy and the essential requirement that everyone should use their vote.

However, events over recent years, under this Labour government in particular, has made me realise that my vote counts for nothing. There have been many instances where major decisions/issues affecting our lives and welfare seem now to be placed outside of the democratic system.

I refer to the referendum we were promised on the EU constitution – which we never received.

I refer to the undemocratic appointment of EU commissioners such as Neil Kinnock and Peter Mandelson. I refer to the inevitable loss of our sovereignty. There are many other issues on which we are denied a say; for a start, I never wanted Gordon Brown as Prime Minister. I refer to the ease with which taxpayers' money is given to other countries while in this country OAPs, hospitals, university students and local councils are in desperate need of money. I refer to English taxpayers subsidising Scotland.

I refer to the financial aid to Kenya. I refer to £50 million Gordon Brown gave to China to reduce their carbon emissions. I refer also to £825 million given to India while wealthy Indian companies are able to buy our steel industry and Jaguar.

Although Gordon Brown promised to restore the link between state pensions and wages in this country, this he says cannot be afforded at present.

We have no say on immigration, which is at a level so high it is as if we were trying to populate a "new young country". I refer to decisions to release prisoners from jail early and release foreign criminals into our society, who should by right be deported.

It is not only the fact I disagree with the decisions made, but I disagree strongly with the way decisions are taken and more importantly without the people's involvement and my involvement through the voting system. I have therefore decided to join the growing band of non-voters as I no longer wish to give credibility to politicians who I mistrust and fear and a system that has lost its way.

The system is far removed from democracy. It is now no more than an illusion of inclusion.

Maybe the power will return to the people if more people, who feel like me, boycott the present system.

B A Reardon, High House, Milwich, Stafford.