Death marks end of a Vera on Corrie

Vera's gone. And there wasn't the high drama to her exit as witnessed in most soapland storylines, writes Maria Cuisine.Vera's gone. And there wasn't the high drama to her exit as witnessed in most soapland storylines, writes Maria Cuisine. This Coronation Street legend slipped away in an elegantly understated, dignified and respectful manner. Vera Duckworth bowed out of Weatherfield last night. For actress Liz Dawn, who is battling lung disease emphysema, it marked the end of 33 years as the working class heroine we have grown to love. Bill Tarmey gave an incredibly moving performance as distraught husband Jack, as not only was he saying goodbye to his on-screen wife but also to his comedy double act of the past three decades. Read the full story in the Express & Star


Vera's gone. And there wasn't the high drama to her exit as witnessed in most soapland storylines, writes Maria Cuisine.

This Coronation Street legend slipped away in an elegantly understated, dignified and respectful manner.

Vera Duckworth bowed out of Weatherfield last night.

For actress Liz Dawn, who is battling lung disease emphysema, it marked the end of 33 years as the working class heroine we have grown to love.

Bill Tarmey gave an incredibly moving performance as distraught husband Jack, as not only was he saying goodbye to his on-screen wife but also to his comedy double act of the past three decades.After a day of measuring up for their move to Blackpool, Jack had popped to the Rovers for a swift half. On his return he found Vera in her chair, cold and lifeless.

The nation will have no doubt pulled out their hankies, when, with his fingers intwined in Vera's cold hand, Jack sang to her: "If you were the only girl in the world..." before his voice failed him and he broke down and cried.

He brushed her hair, "pretty as a picture" he said, made sure her slippers were on properly "There you go, Cinderalla" and placed his coat over her "She hates it cold," he said.

Tyrone and Molly returned and there was further tears, talk of therapeutic cups of tea and before alerting the Street, devastated Jack told them to "hold the world at bay for a few moments".

He said Vera's heart had slipped away with all her memories around her.

The emotional scenes brought real-life tears to the actors involved.

Liz said: "It was very emotional filming Vera's death scenes but I think it was right for the character. I have had 33 marvellous years and will miss everyone."

Her end provided the actress's character with the dignity she deserves.

Thanks for those memories, Vera. Rest in peace.