Express & Star

Celebrating 70 years together

Seventy years of marriage has been celebrated by a Black Country couple.


wd2529091knight-1-sl-01.jpgSeventy years of marriage has been celebrated by a Black Country couple.

Florence and George Knight, from Oldbury, married on December 27, 1937, when George was 21 and Florence, 24.

Now 91 and 94 respectively, the couple made history as the first ever to marry at Londonderry Baptist Church in Oldbury.

Daughter Patricia Shuck said: "What was a shame, however, is that it was snowing that day and the photographer didn't turn up, so they never had a wedding picture."

The couple settled in Smethwick and George worked as a painter and decorator and Florence worked at Best and Lloyds in Oldbury assembling huge lights. During the war Florence worked in a munitions factory and George served with the forces.

He said: "I drove a tank during the war and served in Europe, Africa and Burma and have the Burmese Cross. I was injured twice in Egypt and sent abroad to convalesce." The couple had two daughters, Patricia, now 62, and Valerie, aged 60, and have two grandsons.

Florence said: "It is amazing to think it has been 70 years. I think the secret of a long and happy marriage is taking care of each other."

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