Express & Star

Danger on car parks

I completely agree with Mr M Rhodes that there needs to be far more control of taxi companies and the standard of their drivers.


I completely agree with Mr M Rhodes that there needs to be far more control of taxi companies and the standard of their drivers.

Few, if any, would reach the standards of London cab drivers, who have to pass a rigorous test before being allowed to operate.

He also highlights the problem of supermarket car parks. Far too many drivers as well as taxi drivers ignore directional arrows, no matter how clear they are, and drive with no consideration for others.

The supermarkets all have signs up disclaiming any responsibility for damage to cars or theft from them, and will not do anything to help drivers who have an accident.

Their sole concern is the profit they make from customers and therefore they do not want to be involved in any kind of dispute between drivers.

The massive Merry Hill car parks are an extreme example of this problem, where many drivers completely ignore directional signs or any other normal road practice, but the management does nothing to control the problem.

Recently I observed a 4x4 driver, driving the wrong way, mobile phone to ear with a cigarette in the hand loosely on the wheel.

Mostly, bumps occurring in such circumstances are at slow speeds and therefore do not involve injury, so the police are not involved but none the less involve considerable repair costs.

Following an instance when a trusting friend of mine swopped details with the other driver who had been driving the wrong way but lost his no claims bonus as the guilty driver had given false details, I would advise anyone in such a situation at the very least to get the help of an independent witness or insist that someone from the supermarket management comes to witness the situation and take details.

Roger Bruton, Paganel Drive, Dudley.