Express & Star

Hedgehog saved from ordeal

The other evening my husband was on his way home from work when he had to pull up sharply as two youths were in the middle of the road apparently kicking a ball.


The other evening my husband was on his way home from work when he had to pull up sharply as two youths were in the middle of the road apparently kicking a ball.

This ball turned out to be a young hedgehog. My husband got it off the thugs, put it in a box and brought it home.

We fed and watered it and it recovered from the ordeal. Then the poor mite toddled off down the garden and went to sleep under a pile of straw and leaves.

Next morning there was no sign of it. We keep looking but haven't seen it since. It gives me great piece of mind to know my husband saved it from those mindless thugs.

Mrs Lloyd, Lower Gornal