Crackdown needed on law
There is no need for new laws to control the ongoing problem of so-called travellers.

There is no need for new laws to control the ongoing problem of so-called travellers.
There are already laws in place which govern the rest of us regarding the correct documentation of motor vehicles for use on the road, the rights to access to private property, the proper disposal of hazardous waste, and so forth.
Why are these people allowed to flout such laws with apparent impunity?
The answer lies in a disease which has surfaced in the last few years, is self-induced, affects politicians of all shades, and if not checked soon, will assume epidemic proportions.
There is no medical term to describe this disease, so I will name it political cowardice.
There are several un-elected organisations who have taken it on themselves to defend the rights of minority groups, regardless of the effect of their anti-social behaviour on the law abiding population.
These organisations have been formed by nonentities who have grasped the opportunity to insert themselves into the public domain, and their influence has become so disproportionate to their importance that our politicians have retreated behind the firewall of the Human Rights Treaty, thus allowing them to avoid any confrontation, and also to avoid taking any action which may put their well paid-jobs in jeopardy.
There is no minister in government with the courage to instigate our withdrawal from this much abused treaty, while substituting a new one which has a mandate from the populace, and I'm afraid this Cameron geezer seems to display similar un-Churchillian tendencies, leading me to wonder where on earth we are going to find a leader with some backbone, who will disengage us from the tentacles of Brussels, preferably before this proposed Blue Card scheme comes into operation.
For make no mistake, we all know where most of the 20 million-plus immigrants will end up!
P S Ecclestone, Pool Road, Wednesfield.