Express & Star

Sex only for the married

I was horrified and disgusted to read of the contents of some magazines for teenage girls, in which illegal, grotesque acts, such as a father making his daughter pregnant, and sexual intercourse between persons under 16 are glorified and encouraged.


I was horrified and disgusted to read of the contents of some magazines for teenage girls, in which illegal, grotesque acts, such as a father making his daughter pregnant, and sexual intercourse between persons under 16 are glorified and encouraged.

Our young ladies of today are badly let down by a nation with the highest levels of teenage pregnancy, the highest levels of teenage abortion and STDs.

We have become a nation that insists it will not listen to the fact that the only way to avoid pregnancy, STDs and unhappy sexual relationships is to abstain from sex until marriage.

We desperately need to counter the rotten message of these magazines through schools gently persuading teenagers - boys and girls - to abstain from sex until they are married instead of teaching them "safe sex".

This has worked wonders in America. It is a myth that teenagers automatically rebel against this teaching. For those who do rebel will rebel against any advice to use contraceptives as well!

Christopher Evans, Perton.