A threat to family life
Regarding Beatties opening on Boxing Day.

I work in a shop in Wolverhampton and all the staff have two days off at Christmas (Christmas Day and Boxing Day) and start at 8am on the 27th to get the shop ready for the sales.
We don't work in the emergency services or have an important job title – we only work in retail.
The run-up to Christmas starts well before the late-night openings. Each time we move the store around, it means some staff working a full day as well as overtime. This overtime is not paid, it is "in lieu". It's no wonder our Christmas days off are even more precious.
The only people who benefit from the extended Christmas hours are the companies, not the staff. Higher targets and profits are the top priority.
The staff are paid, yes, but it does not pay back the time missed with families.
There are also major environmental issues, as the shops are already open 363 days in the year, 48 hours per week minimum, throwing away at least two skipfuls of cardboard and rubbish on an average day and at least double that on the run-up to Christmas – not to mention electricity used.
We are all being penalised for not helping the environment. Now something should be done to stop the rise of the retail stores ruining our free time, well being and the environment.
G Dean, Helming Drive, Wednesfield.