Express & Star

Misery of hunt for dentist

On August 22 my six-year-old grandson developed toothache in the early hours of the morning. From 9am until 9pm his mum and I tried to get a dentist to see him.


All the dentists we tried would not see him because either a) he was not their patient or b) they were fully booked. Even the health centres would not see him.

One dentist did see him but said he couldn't do anything for him because he wasn't his patient, but he did say there was a hole in the tooth that needed treatment.

By 6pm that evening he was burning up and we were still trying emergency dentists. One receptionist said she thought the dentist would see him when he came in at 8.30pm, but at the surgery the dentist said the boy would have to go to hospital.

Next morning we took him to Bilston Health Centre at 9am and they took the tooth out.

I wish someone could tell me why he suffered all the previous day. For goodness sake, he is six years old.

Is dentistry all about money nowadays? Where has the compassion gone? Where has the good old dentist gone?

Can anyone please tell me, or is this another of life's mysteries? Or is it simply greed?

Mrs M Hughes, Hartshorn Street, Bilston.