Express & Star

The push-chair menace

Once again I find it necessary to complain about parents with over-sized push-chairs being allowed to travel on local buses. 


Once again I find it necessary to complain about parents with over-sized push-chairs being allowed to travel on local buses.

The buggy zone on the bus is only suitable for small push-chairs and numbers should be limited so there is no obstruction. I find it hard to believe the bus companies concerned are actually waiting for a serious incident to occur before taking steps to remedy the situation.

It is a nightmare to travel on vehicles where the gangway is obstructed by push-chairs. One can only get on or off the vehicle with great difficulty.

Incidentally, getting on and off is also impeded by those passengers who will persist in standing at the front even when seats are available at the rear.

There are notices posted informing passengers that they must not obstruct the gangway, however, it seems that either people do not read them, or can't, because nobody takes any notice.

It is the responsibility of the driver to see that passengers are conveyed safely and that gangways are not blocked, but very few seem to try to enforce these important regulations. Unfortunately any attempt to do so might result with him or her being abused.

Therefore more stringent methods should be adopted by the bus operators to ensure passengers' safety. If no action is taken I fear one day a headline in this paper may read "Passengers trapped in bus accident by push-chairs obstructing the gangway".

How does the Health and Safety department view this matter?

D Hickinbottom, Lewis Street, Tipton.