We're owed bins rebate
Once again I read a reference to brown bins issued by Walsall MBC, this time with regard to paying for replacement of a damaged bin.

Once again I read a reference to brown bins issued by Walsall MBC, this time with regard to paying for replacement of a damaged bin.
Your reader mentions council tax, and other taxes, being paid, and feels it an injustice to be asked to pay for a new bin to help with the much-needed recycling. I totally agree with this reader, also on the payment for replacement for stolen bins.
It appears Walsall MBC wants its pound of flesh from all directions. We also pay full council tax, and other taxes, but we do not have a brown bin. This situation has been discussed on many occasions with our local councillors, who do all they can to make our opinions known, but to date none have been allocated.
We pay the full community charge, with no concessions for not having the full amenities, and feel disgusted at the situation.
Should our community charge not be reduced to take account of the lack of brown bin? Or do those with a bin pay extra for the bin and its collection? I doubt it.
The rest of Bentley has the means to dispose of their garden waste. In fact the provision of bins stops a hundred yards from homes on our estate – homes which have some of the largest and most mature gardens.
It seems quite ironical that residents of other areas of Walsall have been issued with bins and they do not need them as their gardens are very small, with little space for shrubs and trees.
The area not covered takes in 350-plus houses, so I would suggest each household is refunded £10 per month, backdated to when the rest of Bentley was issued with their bins. Seems fair enough to me!
We have more than paid the £18 for our bins, and for their collection.
S Small, King Charles Avenue, Bentley.