Express & Star

Where is help when we need it?

The Indonesia tsunami created widespread devastation, leaving its people homeless and bereft of possessions.


The Indonesia tsunami created widespread devastation, leaving its people homeless and bereft of possessions.

There was death and destruction and a grave risk of infection from breached sewerage systems and decaying wildlife.

International organisations sprang immediately to their aid, donating clothing, medical supplies and food, as well as providing them with temporary accommodation.

Governments across the Western world pledged millions of pounds worth of financial aid, and volunteers were mobilised to repair the damaged infrastructure and provide support for the homeless.

In England, in flaming June, many thousands of houses were inundated by flash floods. The occupiers, many without adequate insurance, were left devastated and homeless. Roads and bridges were severely damaged, many motor vehicles destroyed, and several deaths resulted.

Has there been an outpouring of sympathy from our European neighbours? Will financial aid be forthcoming, and will international support be provided for our citizens? The answer is a resounding no!

Because of the traditional stoicism of our nation, there has been no weeping and wailing, or beating of breasts. The English do not do anguish, and in consequence, they will be left to pick themselves up and put their broken lives together again, totally unaided.

The bible tells us: "Cast your bread upon the waters, and it will be returned many fold."

I shall be charitable and assume that the international community has not been enlightened by reading the good book.

Alan V Harrison, Julian Close, Great Wyrley.