Express & Star

Mail is failing to deliver

Do those who claim to manage the Royal Mail hold the people of this country in utter contempt?


Do those who claim to manage the Royal Mail hold the people of this country in utter contempt?

I ask this question just as the postmen are committed to a series of strikes – a decision they have taken reluctantly because of the appalling way they were treated by their senior management during the recent negotiations.

As if this were not enough, we learn from Post-watch that the Royal Mail "may" stop the Saturday deliveries to cut costs, and for "may" read "will". The threat comes after the ending of the twice-daily deliveries!

The Royal Mail, ably assisted by the Government, has been engaged in a softening-up exercise. We have seen local Post Offices closing by the score; pensions and other benefits being dealt with by banks; and W H Smith attempting to establish a Post Office service among the books, cards and newspapers that is their normal business.

I would tell them there is a lot more to Post Offices than merely places where older folks go to buy a stamp – they are literally a lifeline for thousands of poorer people.

The Royal Mail is not like any other business. In the first instance it is almost a monopoly.

Yes, I know there are alternatives but most people cannot afford them. People tell me to use e-mail because it is quicker than what is derisively called snail mail. We are not all wired up to computers. There are many among the elderly who rely upon the post, slow as it may be, to keep in touch with the wide world.

I am old enough to remember five deliveries a day and collections at 9pm. Now, in some areas, the last collection is 9am!

The Post Office is fast losing its place in the fabric of society. Even the basic Post Office accounts are to be phased out by 2011, despite the fact they are easy to use.

It all shows just one thing – that senior management do not give a damn about any of us. They should be providing the best possible service to their customers. Instead they offer us what they think they can get away with. Greed is still king.

Roy C Girdler, Clarence Road, Bilston.