Express & Star

Do-gooders are real problem

You could not make it up. It has been leaked that the clowns who run what now passes for our criminal justice system have decided that so-called low-level criminals, ie shoplifters, vandals, graffiti idiots and anti-social yobs, should no longer be subject to even the already risible police caution. 


You could not make it up. It has been leaked that the clowns who run what now passes for our criminal justice system have decided that so-called low-level criminals, ie shoplifters, vandals, graffiti idiots and anti-social yobs, should no longer be subject to even the already risible police caution.

They will, we are informed, be requested, politely of course, to promise not to misbehave. Eh? This new directive will also apply, according to the report, to known repeat offenders. What? How long before GBH, burglary, muggings and car-jacking are similarly dealt with?

Surely any country or society which is to prosper and flourish must at the very least protect its citizens and their property and simply cannot allow this lunacy to continue. In the current terminology to describe the obvious, it's a no-brainer that if no action is taken to deter this lowlife from behaving as they wish, we are effectively giving them permission to carry on. Which, as sure as night follows day, they will.

The key question is, who are these crackpots responsible for proposing and ordering the implementation of such clearly barmy policies?

Bizarre though it sounds, it seems they are conspiring with their loony liberal agenda deliberately to create unease and unrest within our communities. Given the level of farce involved, nothing else fits.

As a nation, we have already been seriously affected by do-gooders in positions of influence and authority, which have made this country a sanctuary for out-of-control immigration, a sanctuary for freeloaders on our welfare state and health service, a sanctuary for the feckless and work-shy, and now a sanctuary for petty crooks and yobs, as they graduate to more serious crime.

Regrettably, no respite for the law-abiding will be forthcoming via any of the main political parties. They are the cause of the problem, not the solution.

The solution, which is self-explanatory and proven, is called zero tolerance. We should also, if we want a society worth living in, adopt a zero tolerance to loony do-gooders and their cloud cuckooland ideas.

John Reed, Westering Parkway, Bushbury.