Express & Star

Park pledges amount to nothing

Before the last local elections, the councillors and council officers "promised" to make East Park a priority.


Before the last local elections, the councillors and council officers "promised" to make East Park a priority.

May I take this opportunity to remind our local representatives that some of their promises are nearly five-years-old.

In the case of the five-a-side football pitches, the local management are now, again, starting a survey of need.

Since this is the third such survey, one wonders why the previous ones were ignored. The park simply needs a planned, definitive plan to get things done.

Requests which received promises of urgent action five years ago included the bandstand, the clock, the all-weather pitch, the eight five-a-side pitches and car parking.

Five years ago, councillors and the council officers said eight five-a-side pitches would be available in a very short time. Is half a decade now considered a short time?

The all-weather pitch was allowed to deteriorate, and finally Health & Safety became involved.

The East Park community were duped into believing that promises made would be promises kept. It reminds me of the old adage "You can fool some of the people . . . "

The local community will no doubt confirm that repeated requests for action are ignored. Four years ago we were told: "We are near to starting; be patient, it will happen soon." The date of this promise was June 2003. When will we learn the truth?

Steve Hall, Ashbourne Road, Wolverhampton.