Express & Star

Youngsters work hard

In response to Mr McGann's letter "Pupils who have no need of an education" (June 8).


In response to Mr McGann's letter "Pupils who have no need of an education" (June 8).

After his fleeting employment of barely two terms at Codsall High School, 12 years ago, he is ill-qualified to form sweeping assumptions concerning the pupils and families of Perton.

I am appaled he singled out Perton as the root cause of any negative issues associated with Codsall High School. Several parents have already contacted me to vent their anger and disgust regarding his comments, stating with heartfelt passion that their children work very hard to better themselves, supported by loving, caring parents.

I am proud to say my own children achieved excellent exam results at Codsall, culminating in one of them securing a much coveted place at medical school.

During this period I was pleased to meet some excellent teachers who encouraged and inspired pupils to achieve their potential; fortunately for all concerned none had Mr McGann's bigoted views.

I can't help but conclude that young, impressionable students deserve a more positive approach to their education than the one offered by Mr McGann.

Cllr Roy Moreton, Perton Lakeside Ward, St Mawes Road, Perton.