Express & Star

Cars move so sinister

Well it looks like we're destined to have a satellite tracking device in every car, which will allow the powers that be to monitor our every move, day and night!


Well it looks like we're destined to have a satellite tracking device in every car, which will allow the powers that be to monitor our every move, day and night!

Well how wonderful is that? We are already monitored about 300 times a day on surveillance cameras! Is that not enough? Apparently not! Whatever happened to privacy and dignity?

It appears this government is absolutely obsessed with control. I dread to think what they are going to come up with next.

One of the things that really concerns me is that a majority of the British public seem to accept it without so much as a whimper. The opinion seems to be that if you haven't done anything wrong, then you have nothing to fear. I can't make up my mind whether these people are naive or just plain daft.

This obsession with monitoring the public's every move has sinister written right the way through it and heaven help us if the information gained should fall into the wrong hands!

Finally, I'm sure the great British public of the past, many of whom fought and died in two world wars so that the people of this country could have liberty and freedom, would have been outraged by all this! They must be turning in their graves!

Jeremy Westley, Summerfield Road, Dudley.