Express & Star

Stories for the telling

There are several big thank-yous to make regarding projects that have been going on over the last few months and which hopefully will bloom over the next few.


There are several big thank-yous to make regarding projects that have been going on over the last few months and which hopefully will bloom over the next few.

Firstly to Andy Casserly and Lozz Hipkiss. Andy gave me a cassette some time ago of a local folk singer, Geoff Hughes, who sadly passed away at an early age. Geoff's songs were acute observations of life here in our region many years ago, with monologues well known on the folk circuit.

The tape was not in the best condition but Lozz, of Rooster Studios, patiently worked on the tape until a brand new CD with new artwork and inner notes by myself was available. The CD is Black Country music in its purest sense and a wonderful testament to this great songwriter and his family. Copies are available from Lozz on 01384 231013 or at any RoosterSpake shows (May 25 and June 29, The Lamp Tavern, Dudley).

Second thanks goes to the Hooper family of Tipton and Mike Pearson on the BC society. I have been privileged to access through interviews and documents to three wonderful stories passed down through the Hooper family – Arthur Hooper, a wonderful sportsman; Samuel Wilkes - The Wood Whittling Champion of the World; and Dick Lawton, the young boy who changed his name to follow his boxing dream.

Mick Pearson took up the stories and the first was published in this quarter's Blackcountryman with others to follow. The plan is to add the stories to Rooster's audio catalogue and use them in a documentary for WM Radio.

There must be hundreds of wonderful stories out there waiting to be unearthed, or old recordings of singers, songwriters collecting dust.

Maybe RoosterSpake can act as a vehicle to get them out into the public domain through story, song and performance.

Thanks again to all these people passionate about our region. Please email if you need anymore information:

Billy Spakemon, Tower Road, Tividale.