Express & Star

UK in need of answers

Why are huge sums of public money ploughed into a corrupt organisation that has not produced an accurate statement of accounts since its formation? I refer, of course, to the fiasco that is the EU.  


Why are huge sums of public money ploughed into a corrupt organisation that has not produced an accurate statement of accounts since its formation? I refer, of course, to the fiasco that is the EU.

Why, as a retired person with an income of just over £8,000 a year, am I required to pay income tax, while MPs who enjoy a very substantial salary have just awarded themselves a £10,000 wage rise in the guise of a communication allowance?

Why, if civil servants' huge salaries are justified by comparing themselves with the private sector, don't they get the sack when they fail to carry out their duties? The people they use as examples to extort ever more money from the tax-paying public would be dismissed if they performed as dismally as some departmental heads.

Why, with crime and the health service at the forefront of government policies, is it easier to find someone to sell you an illegal gun than it is to find a National Health dentist? And, why when so many people are denied medicines on the grounds of cost, is the price of heroin dropping daily.

Why are criminals and the like seen as victims and as such protected at all costs, while ordinary, law-abiding citizens are persecuted. For example, should you throw a cigarette out of your car you will face a fine or even a prison sentence, but if you call yourself a traveller, purchase a caravan, park up illegally then trash the area, you will have a police escort when you leave and no charges will follow.

Why, if you have worked for most of your life and have stayed out of trouble, will you most likely end up poverty stricken and living in care, while if you are a criminal you will have four meals a day, television, a gym and all the comforts of home. It would seem to me that it would be better to hold up a bank and get caught.

Finally why do we try to police the world when we can't make it safe for an old lady to walk the streets of Walsall without having her handbag snatched?

Answers please, preferably before the next general election, then perhaps I can decide who to vote for.

R Vigors, Sandfield Park, Brownhills.