Send us a bigger box!
After much debate we as a group of householders from the Penn Fields area of Wolverhampton, with varying sized households, can not understand why we have such a small box for a fortnightly collection.
After much debate we as a group of householders from the Penn Fields area of Wolverhampton, with varying sized households, can not understand why we have such a small box for a fortnightly collection.
As a group made up of different sized families, we all have our concerns. Among us we have a one-person household who manages to fill their recycle to capacity each fortnight, but the remainder of the group with average sized families have a backlog in their gardens. This in itself defeats the object of recycling but is also dangerous.
We want bigger boxes!
We all want to help and we are aware of the problems with land-fill sites, and the impact on the environment, but why can't this council think logically, in other words, bigger and greener.
We pay our council tax for this service and don't want to be fined for not doing our bit. So why is there such a problem with something that should be so easy, but is so hard?
If the council provided a suitable larger box for recycling, even the larger families would have no excuse to participate in this essential scheme.
Emma Harris, Lime Street, Penn Fields.