Express & Star

Alfie Boe's perfect weekend

Classically-trained Blackpool-born tenor Alfie Boe – a former mechanic – is an A lister on the classical music and opera scene who has starred in scores of West End shows. He shares a perfect weekend with us.


Classically-trained Blackpool-born tenor

Alfie Boe

– a former mechanic – is an A lister on the classical music and opera scene who has starred in scores of West End shows. He shares a perfect weekend with us.

It's Friday afternoon, what's on your mind?

What am I cooking for dinner that night, what movie will we watch and how much junk food are we going to eat over the coming weekend!

Who normally has the pleasure of your company at the weekend?

Weekends, if I'm not working it's my family: my wife, my daughter and son, plus whoever might be coming round to sample my cooking.

How do you prepare for a big night out?

Depends if the big night out is to do with my work or if it's with friends and family.

If it's family, then I make sure the kids are settled and in bed and we are not going to get called back by the baby sitter.

What's your favourite party outfit?

Jeans and shirt or my birthday suit!!

You've just arrived at the bar. What's your first drink?

A beer. Preferably real ale – something like Shepherds Neame Spitfire.

What's your favourite nightspot and why?

I haven't really got a favourite. Love a good local pub, especially if it sells real ale, like Shepherds Neame Spitfire (They can always send me some!).

What tune always gets you on the dance floor?

A rocking tune – Sympathy for The Devil always does the trick.

It's a sunny Saturday, what are you up to?

Shopping with the kids, or in the park, enjoying the sunshine and being with my family.

What was your most memorable weekend, and why?

My most memorable weekend just has the be the weekend of October 2 and 3, in 2010, when I played the 02 Arena, as Jean Valjean in the Les Miserables 25th Anniversary Show.

It was life changing – we played two shows to a capacity crowd in The 02 and it went live by satellite to hundreds of cinemas too around the world. What a weekend!

What's the recipe for a perfect night in?

Pizza, beer and a good movie.

Favourite DVD? And what would you eat while watching it?

Any cowboy John Wayne western with that pizza and cold beer.

Sunday breakfast – cooked or continental?

Cooked for sure.

Sunday lunch – home cooked?

Home cooked. Love to do the Sunday roast. It's one of my favourite pastimes cooking for family and friends, but most especially the Sunday roast.

When and how do you like to relax?

If I'm not working usually on a Friday night, watching a John Wayne western, eating pizza and drinking a cold beer!

You've got a whole weekend off and a wad of money in your back pocket. Which country or city would you head to?

Wow! OK, a whole weekend off is very unusual in my job but New York is a possibility. Having said that, Las Vegas could be fun especially if I'm going to blow that big wad of money in my back pocket that you are providing me with!

* Alfie Boe comes to Dudley Concert Hall on May 19 alongside West Midland choir Viva Musica. The show is sold out, details are available at and he brings his world tour to Birmingham NIA in March 2013, see

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