Express & Star

Ricky Whittle's perfect weekend

Former Hollyoaks actor and Strictly Come Dancing star Ricky Whittle reveals why non-birthdays are a memorable event and how naughty snacks are the ultimate indulgence during a perfect weekend. Ricky Whittle will appear at Walkabout in Queen Street, Wolverhampton, tonight (Friday).


Former Hollyoaks actor and Strictly Come Dancing star

Ricky Whittle

reveals why non-birthdays are a memorable event and how naughty snacks are the ultimate indulgence during a perfect weekend.

It's Friday afternoon. What's on your mind?

Probably very little!

Who normally has the pleasure of your company at the weekend?

Friends usually have the pleasure of my company at weekends. I live in Los Angeles where they don't really do weekends, it tends to just be another day so we often chill by the pool with the BBQ roaring and when and as we all finish work or start work, we allow the banter to flow.

It's a very relaxing place where the sun shines every day and with us all working so hard, when we do get time off, it's nice to not do anything but soak up the rays.

How do you prepare for a big night out?

Again, I'm more of a stay in and cuddle in front of the TV kind of guy, so if I'm going out, it's usually a big deal so it involves getting friends round for pre-drinks and banter, the odd drinking game to get us in a playful mood whille listening to various upbeat tunes and basically just having a laugh.

We usually then go for a nice meal before heading onto a bar, club or party.

What's your favourite party outfit?

This year it's been my swim shorts! Ha ha – seriously it's been a hot few months in California so pool parties have been immense! I've had some great fun in the sun.

You've just arrived at the bar. What's your first drink?

My first drink has got to be my favourite – sambucca!I usually get a round of doubles in followed by a cheeky vodka Redbull, it just sets you up for the evening so you can sip long drinks for the rest of the night.

What is your favourite nightspot and why?

Location doesn't really bother me, it's about the company I keep. If you're with the right people you can have fun anywhere – be it the best club in the world, a filthy bar or your own living room. Some of my favourite nights out have been terrible locations but I had fun with the people I was with and that's what's important to me.

What tune always gets you on the dance floor?

It doesn't take much to get me on the dance floor to be honest – I love a little boogie so it's probably easier to say what gets me off the dance flooor and that's house music or trance. I'm not a big fan of quick, repetitive beats. I like something you can really move to. Dancing is an art form, it shouldn't look like you're having a fit!

It's a sunny Saturday. What are you up to?

Normally sat by or in the pool, cooking up some burgers and steak on the BBQ for my friends

What's your most memorable weekend ever and why?

There has been so many but I guess the one that first came to mind then was my 'non birthday'! My best friend Carley Stenson decided that she would have a non birthday for me as mine falls on New Year's Eve and so everyone is always off celebrating with their families.

She felt that I always missed out due to the time of year so surprised me with all my friends in July with an unofficial surprise birthday party with a 'come as a famous Ricky theme'. Some of the costumes were hilarious. Ashley Taylor Dawson – a good friend from my time on Hollyoaks – came as me fully tanned with a bald cap, in my own footy gear – pure genius!

What's the recipe for a perfect night in?

Me, that special someone, a good box set and lots of naughty food like Ben and Jerry's chocolate fudge brownie ice cream, Malteasers, Minstrels, roast beef Monster Munch. Hmmmm I'm getting hungry just thinking about it!

Favourite DVD? And what would you eat while watching it?

I love watching American box sets and it's exciting times at the moment as the last series of Entourage is on so between that, a little bit of Grey's Anatomy and all the naughty food I can eat, it leaves me a happy man!

Sunday breakfast – cooked or continental?

Sunday breakfast is definitely stodge! So it's off to a sports bar to watch football, basketball – whatever's on it's not important – then the biggest, greasiest burger I can find with fries and a large, ice cold glass bottle of Coke.

Sunday lunch – home-cooked or pub?

I'm lazy so tend to eat out more than I cook. I can cook anything – my mum taught me everything but I can just never be bothered, so restaurants are my supply line! Although if Mum's cooking, there's no contest! That woman should have her own restaurant, ah I love her to bits.

Where and how do you like to relax?

I'm most relaxed in my own home in front of the TV watching box sets. If you're watching a film it's too short and I'll have to think about what I'm watching next. With box sets, that's your whole day sorted.

You've got a whole weekend off and a wad of money in your back pocket – which country or city would you head to?

I'd head home to the UK to see my friends and family or to Jamaica to visit my grand parents. I've only been over four times so I miss them a lot and would like to see them more often.

* Ricky Whittle will appear at Walkabout in Queen Street, Wolverhampton, tonight (Friday, August 5, 2011).