Club guide with DJ Stuart Ojelay - July 1

After an 18,000-mile round trip to South Korea, it was great to be back home but I absolutely loved the culture, sights and sounds of Seoul, writes DJ Stuart Ojelay.


After an 18,000-mile round trip to South Korea, it was great to be back home but I absolutely loved the culture, sights and sounds of Seoul,

writes DJ Stuart Ojelay


Plus, it was the most responsive, wild crowd I've ever played too – be sure to check out my Facebook for videos and pics.

Back to local antics and the busiest Friday night houser in Cannock is no doubt Beau Monde at Piques. With guest DJs Wayne H, Benny Rich and De Contrebande on hand to supply the big beats tonight, plus some great drinks promos and free CD giveaways, it would be rude not to check it out.

For some summer terrace action then you can do no wrong if you head over to Solihull to check out Tantalise Presents Palava at The Coach House. They have a 'sounds of Berlin theme' so expect deep and uplifting tech beats from Martinez, Steve Kelley and Dave Thatcher.

Garage lovers are in for a treat again as Everybody Loves takes their party to the outside at the brand new Rainbow Garden in Digbeth, Birmingham. One Cut Valentino, Alex Parkin, DJ Sparks and Dr Love will be throwing down the no grime quality two-step vibes.

For afters in the second city on a Friday night look no further than Twilight at The Core. Catch Onefour, Jaydee Thomas and Louie Serene with anthems from all genres taking you into Saturday morning.

Stourbridge is looking more than lively this weekend. Tonight for laidback house sounds you'll find Down n Out at Soul Solutions at The Swan. Then the mighty Jaguar Skills will be at Stourbridge Academy with Ecko Records hosting room two. This is a monster event for Stourbridge and I'm sure The Jag will take the roof off!

Into Saturday and sticking in the 'Bridge – Capital FM's Dan Kelly makes and exclusive appearance at The Bell alongside Paul Griff. Everything from soulful house to pure anthems will be supplied to the masses that flock to The Bell week in, week out.

Then for some late night action The Glasshouse has an exclusive late night license until 7am. Featuring Live percussion, stilt walkers, two floors of music and five DJs including RicharDJames and Protégé, this one is a local treat.

Looking to get wild in Birmingham tomorrow is Dolce Vita at the Cellar Door with a jungle themed event. Expect outlandish themed décor and sounds of the underground where DJs include Shorterz, Jayye Jackin, Edd Cooke, Jon Brady and John Reidy.

The big one in Wolverhampton this weekend – and for all lovers of true old skool – is the Quadrant Park reunion at the Slade Rooms. Original Quadrant Park DJs John Kelly and Andy Carroll are joined by illusion DJs Levi and Pilgrim who will be hosting room two. With a live PA and percussion, this is one night of nostalgia you won't want to miss.

So onto my antics and I'm heading east again but not so far this time! Playing for Hed Kandi on the Polish coastal town of Sopot which is meant to be as glam as it can get over there so best pack my smart shoes and shirt combo! Then straight back on Saturday and head up north to Manchester to play at one of the UK's best dance clubs in Venus. I'm alongside James Garrett and we can't wait to rock this one.

That's it from me this week. Have a great weekend guys – see you on the other side!