Express & Star

Micky Flanagan's perfect weekend

London-born comic Micky Flanagan is a familiar face on TV having been on shows such as Mock The Week and can regularly be heard on Radio 4. He's currently touring and took time out to share a perfect weekend.


London-born comic Micky Flanagan is a familiar face on TV having been on shows such as Mock The Week and can regularly be heard on Radio 4. He's currently touring and took time out to share a perfect weekend.

It's Friday afternoon. What's on your mind?

My show at the Hammersmith Apollo tonight, and should I go to the spa in the hotel - they do a deep tissue massage. I know I won't go though as I hate being rubbed up and down by strangers!

Who normally has the pleasure of your company at the weekend?

Family, friends and my lovely big settee. NOT people selling stuff from busy, pointless shops.

How do you prepare for a big night out?

I stare in the mirror and say 'you are a winner', even when you are asleep you are winning. And I line my stomach obviously.

What's your favourite dinner party outfit?

I like to wear a stetson, speedos, a bumbag and a pair of silver flip flops.

You've just arrived at the bar. What's your first drink?

A light ale or a cocktail, maybe. My favourite is the Sex On A Binbag.

What is your favourite nightspot and why?

A man in his forties who has a favourite nightspot would not end up a stand-up comic.

What tune always gets you on the dance floor?

A dub version of the National Anthem or Russ Abbot's Atmosphere club remix normally does the trick.

It's a sunny Saturday. What are you up to?

I will fill up the paddling pool for my son and prepare the BBQ for an early evening party in the garden. Friends will be called and drinks imbibed.

What's the recipe for a perfect night in?

Now, come on, I could never share that. Whatever happened to privacy in the UK? I saw a couple on TV the other day talking about the sex lives. It put me right off my dinner.

What's your most memorable weekend ever and why?

If you have a most memorable weekend you are not getting out enough. There have been so many in my life I think I may have even forgotten a few.

Favourite DVD? And what would you eat while watching it?

I will always watch The Last Waltz when I get in after a few drinks. It's pure talent from start to end. Eats would be beans from the tin, in my pants.

Sunday breakfast - cooked or continental?

I don't do breakfast as such, but a pot of Fairtrade coffee and marmalade on toast, along with Desert Island Discs is perfectamundo.

Where and how do you like to relax?

At home on the settee in a cool, slightly darkenend room. No papers, no radio, no television. I love to just be. I have never become unbearably light, however.

You've got a whole weekend off and a wad of money in your back pocket - which country or city would you head to?

The travel industry has convinced many that they are only really living if they are going somewhere. It's nonsense, and the Citybreak is an oxymoron. They ain't having my money so it's London, England for me.

* Micky Flanagan plays Wolverhampton Civic Hall on May 11.

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