Organisers hail 1940's Weekender a success and announce plans for return next year
Organisers have hailed a 1940's history and re-enactment weekend a success and have announced plans for it to return next year.

Wolverhampton Halfpenny Green Airport opened its gates over the weekend for the 1940's Weekender, with thousands of visitors enjoying a range of activities.

There were military, period and post war vehicles of all shapes and sizes to view, as well as aircraft on display and living history and re-enactment groups.
The event also included period trade stalls, live demonstrations and on Saturday evening, guests enjoyed a 1940’s hangar dance, with one of the country’s most experienced forties musical headliners, the 10-piece Ashby Big Band, supported by Shropshire’s period quartet, The Ronnies, along with dance teachers demonstrating dance moves.

On Sunday, there was also a vintage fair, with period music being provided by solo artists Eleanor Mattley and Zakk Dienn, singing some 1940’s classics to keep people entertained.
Kevin Taylor, director of Dangerous Sheep Events, which organised the event, said: "As well as local people, we had people travelling from as far as Kent, Liverpool and Wales to come.

"There was a massive amount of support.
"The weather wasn't as bad as predicted. We had some very quick showers but it didn't dampen any spirits.

"The hangar dance on Saturday was a major success and we even had two VIP guests who were both 100 and Second World War veterans – one who piloted a Spitfire and the other a Lancaster bomber.
"We were hoping to be able to cater for over 3,500 per day but because of licensing restrictions we were only able to have 2,000 people a day.

"Both days sold out and we were saddened to have to turn some people away.
"Everyone came together to make this event a great success and we are glad to announce that we will be holding it again next year."