Express & Star

Black Country in the frame thanks to new Yam Cams exhibition

People across the Black Country will feature in a new photography exhibition launched later this month at the University of Wolverhampton.

The new exhibition – Yam Cams: Picturing the Black Country

The new exhibition – Yam Cams: Picturing the Black Country – is a community art project commissioned by Creative Black Country with the aim of inspiring people to photograph everyday life in the four Black Country boroughs of Sandwell, Dudley, Walsall, and Wolverhampton.

The results of the project have now been brought together in an exhibition which will be launched on February 26 at 11am at the university's School of Art, George Wallis Building.

Visitors should go to the reception area where they will be directed to the third floor to view the exhibition and meet those involved in the project.

Artist Tom Hicks, who created the project, said: “Yam Cams has been such a positive and popular project. We’ve been sent so many wonderful photographs from people across the Black Country.

“We asked for images from people featuring any subject with the aim of reflecting the diversity of life in our region and the project was open to individuals, community groups and societies.

“It’s fantastic that the University’s School of Art has chosen to exhibit the images from the Yam Cams project. These are photographs from across the Black Country and for most people involved it will be the first time that they have had their work exhibited.”

A book has been created to accompany the Yam Cams project and will be available at the exhibition launch – free of charge.

Follow the project’s progress on Twitter @yamcams and Instagram @theyamcams.