Thought-provoking and powerful conversations about love
The stories of love and the changing in attitudes were explored by a special film and panel.

Section 28, the AIDS epidemic and cultural differences were just some of the topics discussed at the showing and discussion of 'We found love in the 80s'.
The film was made by artist Dawinder Bansal and musician Martyn Ware and explored the subject of love in the 1980s, with interviews taking place with a wide range of couples.
Two of the couples taking part in the film joined the discussion, with Ian Bodenham and Ian Johns and Helen Juffs and Deirdre Figueiredo discussing all aspects of their love life.
Ian Bodenham talked about how he had tried for months to get Ian to notice him, while Dierdre and Helen said their relationship developed naturally, sealed with a brief kiss goodnight.
The two couples said they had seen attitudes change over the years, with Mr Bodenham saying he just introduced Mr Johns as his husband, rather than explaining that he was gay.
Martyn Ware spoke about the politics of the 1980s, with the idea of pretend families, and said the film had revived his memories of the era and the changes in how people expressed themselves.
The thought-provoking conversation looked at the impact of AIDS on the gay community, in particular, how people were educated on it and friends they lost because of it.
'We found love in the 80s' shows how love flourishes regardless of race, sexuality or gender and the four panellists are living proof of that fact.