Wolverhampton's famous dancing binmen release their Christmas song
A song from Wolverhampton's dancing binmen which aims to snap up the Christmas number one spot has been released today.

The three stars – Jack Johnson, Henry Wright and Adrian Breakwell – shot to fame in the city for their dance routes during the first lockdown.
And now they're hoping their track – Boogie Round The Bins At Christmas Time – will help bring some much-needed Christmas cheer and potentially claim the top spot.
Jack said: "Honestly it's been really fantastic so far – we've had messages saying 'We've just downloaded it, it's brilliant' and we've even been contacted by CBS news too.
WATCH: Preview of Boogie Round The Bins At Christmas Time
"It's all been a bit mental and we've had messages saying it's such a catchy tune and that they've been walking down the road singing the words to it.
"The song is really for everyone, it's been such a sad year obviously and it's all about bringing a bit of joy to people's faces."
The trio worked with musician Stephen Barratt and The Wolfpack Howlers to help bring the project to life – after they came up with the idea walking down a road in Penn.
The binmen have already raised £2,500 for Compton Care and are now looking to choose a charity which will help less fortunate youngsters get Christmas presents.
Jack, 37, said: "We're looking for a charity at the moment but we've not been in touch with anyone yet, but we want to hep kids who might not get the stuff they wanted this year for Christmas – we're definitely looking to help the kids out."
The track costs 99p and is currently available iTunes, Amazon Music, TikTok and a host of other streaming websites.