Wolverhampton's Word of Mouth in virtual party to benefit NHS charity
A leading Wolverhampton events company is getting ready to host a virtual party in aid of the NHS

Word of Mouth Events has been part of the Wolverhampton club scene since forming in 2007, creating innovative parties with a bespoke house music soundtrack.
Word of Mouth has also become a leader in events, running a diverse series of events in the city and around the region, including a yearly festival and an open air cinema.
While it has had to cease external event operations due to the government restrictions for coronavirus, it has not stopped running online events.
The Virtual Party Series has seen a different event take place every Saturday, giving party goers and families alike a chance to have a dance and enjoy some classic house tracks in the comfort of their own homes.
These events have reached more that 100,000 people and have created a social hub, with people posting pictures of themselves enjoying the events on the Word of Mouth Facebook group.
The firm has also decided to make the event on Saturday, April 18 an official fundraiser for the NHS, streaming live on its Facebook page as well as from pages such as the Crown Wergs, the Grain Store and the Parisian.

DJ Stuart Ojelay is the driving force behind Word of Mouth, running the live-streaming events from his home in Wall Heath.
He said: "I saw that people were doing live feeds for a lot of things and decided to concentrate on doing a virtual party every weekend.
"I cleaned out my cellar in my house and started doing the events, and we've been getting more than 1,500 people each week, which is bananas to me."
Stuart decided to make the event on Saturday, April 18 a special fundraising event after being asked by a number of people how they could help out.
He said: "The event will mirror what we normally do, playing club classics and having a good time, while raising money for the NHS.
"What we're really buzzing about is that it's actually reaching people's homes and helping people to have a good time while in lockdown.
"It's all about giving people something to look forward to and helping make the best of a bad situation."
The event starts on Saturday, April 18 at 7pm at facebook.com/events/228334914951297
To donate to the NHS charity, go to shorturl.at/ajpI9