Express & Star

Former Civic Halls boss leaves Starworks Warehouse

The man brought in to spearhead a new dawn at the Starworks Warehouse has left his role – as it emerged the venue is in line for a revamp.

Former Civic halls boss Mark Blackstock has now left the Starworks Warehouse

Mark Blackstock departed the top Wolverhampton nightspot after it was ravaged by fire in May.

The Frederick Street venue has since reopened, with bosses saying they have brought in a 'young and dynamic team' to shape its future, while talks with a new investor were underway.

Mr Blackstock took over as general manager of Starworks on a freelance basis in early May, having left his previous job as head of the city's Civic halls last year after he had been suspended by council bosses.

He told Live UK: “Sadly the fire has meant that the venue had to close for a couple of months, thus there was not the income to support the staff roster.”

A spokesman for Starworks said: "We were closed for two months so had no work for our freelance staff as we had no events to manage until fire safety investigators gave us permission to reopen.

"We are currently working with a new investor on a new look for the business based around a young and dynamic team."