Express & Star

Comic book heroes to take to streets of Walsall for Comic Con

Sci-fi fans and comic lovers are set to don their best costumes for the return of an out-of-this-world comic con event and toy fair.

Walsall Comic Con is returning to University of Wolverhampton Walsall Campus

Walsall Comic Con return on Sunday, showcasing the biggest and best action hero, villain and comic book costumes in the West Midlands.

Hundreds of sci-fi fans are expected to turn up for the event at the Wolverhampton University Walsall Campus Sports Centre on Gorway Road, Walsall.

Last year's event saw Batman's Tumbler car, as seen in the Dark Knight series, stormtroopers from Star Wars and even John McClane from Die Hard.

Zoe Croft, co-organiser of the event, alongside Mark Woollard, said: "We are so looking forward to bringing Comic Con back to Walsall again. We have found local communities have shown a real desire for an event like this. It’s fully inclusive and it has been great to see so many happy faces at our events.

"There is something to do that appeals to all ages at our events, it is something that the whole family can enjoy together and make some fantastic memories."

This year's event takes place from 10am to 4pm, with advance tickets costing £10 and tickets on the day £12.50 for adults. More information on ticket prices and entry times can be found at