Express & Star

We meet the Hamilton musical stage star from Bilston performing at Birmingham Hippodrome

Were you aware that right here in Wolverhampton, we have a musical theatre star in our midst?

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Bilston born and bred performer, Simeon Beckett, is currently appearing as George Eacker and in the ensemble of Lin Manuel Miranda’s groundbreaking musical, “Hamilton”, at the Birmingham Hippodrome.

Although Simeon has lived and worked in London for many years now, he admits he is thrilled to be back here in the Midlands, spending time with family and friends whilst appearing in the show.

“Hamilton” has dominated the summer slot in the Birmingham Hippodrome’s schedule, running for ten weeks in total.

“I haven’t been home for this long in ages,” Simeon said. “Being here for ten weeks is so nice so I can spend time with my family and friends. Some of them have been to see the show already and supported me and there are more who are still to see it too.”

He is obviously at the top of his game now, but how did Simeon become involved in musical theatre?

“I played football up until I was about 18, so my journey into theatre started a bit later than most people. I then decided I wanted to get into dance, having been inspired by people around me. I didn’t even know much about theatre until I went to Urdang Academy in London at the age of 19. I went there to further my dance career, but because we did musical theatre there, it broadened my knowledge. I started to enjoy it and fell into it to be honest,” said Simeon.

The training for both football and dance are very similar. You have to work hard, train regularly and understand the need to be disciplined and so making the transition was not as hard as it may first appear.

“I enjoyed dancing when I was a kid, but never took it seriously. I could just naturally move. I started off with freestyle and hip-hop and I was self taught from watching videos on Youtube. Then as I got more into it, I was trained by a company called Dance Nouveau which is Stafford and Birmingham based. Then when I went to Urdang, I started to learn about classic styles, how to move my body and techniques,” he continued.

Simeon Beckett from Bilston stars in Hamilty UK Tour visiting Birmingham Hippodrome

Simeon has come full circle as his first show was at the Birmingham Hippodrome called “Breaking Convention”, a hip-hop show and now here he is again, this time appearing there again but this time as a professional performer in “Hamilton.”

Simeon’s first professional job was dancing on the X Factor with the wonderful Rita Ora. That is quite a special achievement.

But back to “Hamilton.” Simeon and I discussed the most important aspect of bringing the show to the fore.

“I feel as if it is about fighting for what is right and all the important things that are going on in life and fighting for that. I feel its message resonates with people right now because of what is going on in the world,” he said.

The lyrics within the score are fast and furious and it really helps to have studied the history of Alexander Hamilton before seeing the show.

Simeon said, “I did my own research and I have auditioned to get into “Hamilton” five times since it came to the UK in 2017. It has definitely broadened my knowledge and made me look into history.”

“As far as the music is concerned, I have written some rap tunes and been into the studio and recorded some stuff with friends, so I have a little bit of experience and have also studied rap history and various rap artists, so I am definitely familiar with this style,” he told me.

I asked if the music was challenging to learn? “I listen to a lot of rap music, but it is not easy, especially when you are dancing at the same time,” he said. “The show keeps you fit but I go to the gym too. It just helps mentally to take you away from the show for a little bit.”

Hamilton the musical at Birmingham Hippodrome

In “Hamilton”, Simeon plays the role of George Eacker, which is a feature role. Having seen the show, I can confidently say that as well as being an outstanding dancer, his acting is superb too.

Simeon admires all of his fellow performers, but in particular his friends who are in the ensemble in various theatre shows. “The ensemble carries the show. I admire everyone who works and stays in the theatre industry because it is tough. You have to be of a certain level and ability all of the time.”

So what does the future hold?

“It sounds cliche, but I am happy to continue in “Hamilton”,” he said, “but otherwise, I would like to do “In the Heights ", or the new MJ show or go back to commercial dance. Who knows what is going to come next year too?” he laughed.

When I asked Simeon what had been his career highlight so far, I fully expected him to say appearing in “Hamilton”, and he did, but also, he told me he had danced with the international rap star Kendrick Lamar at Glastonbury and also at festivals with him in Milan.

“I am a big Kendrick Lamar fan so to dance with an artist that you really admire and look up to was the best moment, I don’t think I will be able to top that to be honest,” he said.

So there we are, a star from our local area who you can go and see right now in “Hamilton” at the Birmingham Hippodrome. It is a very special show with some very special performers in it; Simeon Beckett for sure.

Make sure you are “In the Room Where it Happens!”

For tickets visit or call 0844 338 5000.

Runs until August 31.