Oldbury Rep bringing Journey's End to theatre
A Black Country theatre company will mark the remembrance season with a production about life in the trenches during the First World War.

Oldbury Rep will be performing Journey's End, a 1928 play based on R C Sherriff's own experiences of the conflict, which spawned no fewer than five different film adaptations.
The first of these, a 1930 film directed by Dudley-born film-maker James Whale, made a star out of the then unknown 21-year-old Laurence Olivier.
The play tells the story of James Raleigh, a young second lieutenant posted to serve under his former schoolmate Capt Dennis Stanhope in Northern France.
Stanhope, who has taken to drinking as he becomes depressed by the horrors of war, is initially unhappy about having the young man serving alongside him.
The play met with instant success in London and ran for 595 performances, later duplicating this success all over the world.
Nightly performances, starting at 7.30, run at Barlow Theatre in Spring Walk, Langley, from November 5 to 12. Tickets priced £10 to £12 are available on 0121 5522761.