Express & Star

Awards night celebrates Central Youth Theatre's success

A Wolverhampton youth theatre is preparing to host its fifth glitzy awards night to celebrate the achievements of its members.

Members of CYT celebrating their awards at last year's ceremony

Central Youth Theatre (CYT), based at Newhampton Arts Centre, will be hosting their own version of the Oscars, the annual Follow Spot Awards at the Ramada Resort Park Hall Hotel.

The annual ceremony, which began in 2015, marks the achievements of the group's members and celebrates the artistic programme that CYT offers to Wolverhampton's young people.

The glamorous event will include a red carpet, formal dress code and engraved glass trophies.

There will be 16 award categories including best actor and actress, best production and best dramatic performance, as well as less serious awards for most ditsy member and biggest growth spurt.

Winners of each prize have been voted for by CYT members and audiences throughout the last 12 months.

Holly Parry, co-director of CYT, said: “The Follow Spot awards is a fantastic opportunity to look back at the busy year we have had and to celebrate the personal and performance achievements of our members.

"It’s also a great chance for parents, former members and supporters of the youth theatre to come along and see what we’ve been up to and get an idea of our plans for the future.

"We are extremely grateful to all of our sponsors for the evening including the Ramada Resort Park Hall Hotel as without the support we would be unable to continue with our Follow Spot Awards."

The team at the Ramada Resort Park Hall Hotel will be sponsoring the venue and catering for the event, with former members sponsoring the trophies.

Sponsors include world famous lighting designer, Tim Routledge who recently won the Knight of Illumination Award for lighting Stormzy’s headline set at Glastonbury last year and film set decorator, Liz Griffiths who recently finished working on HBO blockbuster sci-fi comedy series Avenue 5 starring Hugh Laurie.

Angela Bir, owner of the hotel, said: “We are really pleased that the Central Youth Theatre has chosen our hotel to host its annual Follow Spot Awards.

"We feel privileged to sponsor the awards of Wolverhampton’s leading youth theatre group and it should be an amazing evening, with such a group of talented, young people, who one day may work professionally in the TV and film industry.”

The awards evening will be held on Thursday, February 27 from 7pm, tickets cost £12 including a buffet and can be purchased by calling 01902 572091 or emailing