Express & Star

Countdown to Bridgnorth panto fun

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs will be opening at Bridgnorth’s Theatre on the Steps on Saturday.

Will Toulson, Gem Bridges and Iain Reddihough

The production, directed by Christine Reddihough, runs until the end of January and includes Saturday and Sunday matinees.

Iain Reddihough, artistic director said they were looking forward to the first performance.

He said: “Pantomime is always fun for both the cast and the audiences. It is always pleasing that so many children come and see the panto, and for many it is their first taste of live theatre, and a great introduction to the magic of theatre.

"As always with the Theatre on the Steps, they get the best of all worlds, great story, great comedy, and the intimate space of the theatre means that all the audience experience the show as though it is taking place in their living rooms, almost as though they are actually part of the action.

"Running our pantomime throughout January means that, after all the hectic activity in the run up to Christmas, families can relax and come along and enjoy the great tradition of the Theatre on the Steps panto.”

Will Toulson,Gem Bridges and Iain Reddihough

In the production, Snow White, played by Leah Williams, has a miserable time at the hands of her evil stepmother, Queen Avarice – Rachel Reddihough – and has to seek refuge at the cottage of the Seven Dwarfs.

The dwarfs are played by members of Youth on the Steps, and their leader, Brainy, played by Hester Liddle, does his best to keep them all in order, despite Dozy (Danny Phipps) bumbling around, and the constant complaining of Grumbly (Sophie Worton).

When Snoozy, played by Lilly Brown is awake and Sniffle, portrayed by Abigail Drinkwater, is not sneezing over everyone, things go reasonably well and even Blushful (Montana Malin) manages to speak to Snow White, with nothing taking the smile off the face of Smiley – played Nia Shaughnessy.

Comedy abounds as Queen Avarice appoints a new court jester, Chuckles - Will Toulson - who joins forces with the palace housekeeper Edina Bucket, played by John Muxworthy.

The colourful backdrops, painted by James Barber and Cheryl Wilson, promise to bring the Theatre on the Steps stage to life, and the costumes designed and produced y Susan Crawford provide colour worthy of a West End production.

The production runs until January 25. Tickets start from £8 and are available from or from the box office, in the Town Hall Building , High Street, Bridgnorth, or from 01746 766477.