Wolverhampton Grand at 125: A helping hand for Postman Pat's pal
A handyman from the children's TV series Postman Pat gave a helping hand to workmen when he visited Wolverhampton at the height of the show's popularity.

The fictional Ted Glen had turned up on his tractor outside the Grand Theatre to promote a forthcoming show when he spied some construction work going on round the corner.
Labourers were hard at work renovating the nearby Victoria Park Hotel, as it was then called, in Berry Street in May 1998.
The jovial rustic, played by actor Dave Davies, enjoyed a laugh with the builders before joining in the fun and games with the Postman Pat roadshow.
The classic children's series, here brought to the stage, followed the adventures of everyone's favourite postie as he carried out his mail rounds in the village of Greendale accompanied by his black and white cat Jess.
The first episode was aired in September 1981 and the animated series has appeared in more than 50 countries since. Following the success of the first broadcasts, four TV specials and a second series of 13 episodes were produced during the 1990s.
Postman Pat's Happy Days, featuring most of the programme's best-known characters, ran at the Grand for a week.
The picture is reproduced as the Express & Star joins with the Grand to mark the theatre’s milestone 125th anniversary celebrations.
If you have memories or pictures, email 125@grandtheatre.co.uk or write to 125 Memories Project, Wolverhampton Grand Theatre, WV1 1DE.